Latest news: The Zephyr v2 beta has closed and is no longer accepting new users. Keep an eye out for the full release soon.
Caution! Beta builds are unstable, proceed with caution.
Pre-release content: The following instructions only apply to the pre-release beta and are subject to change post-launch.
Before you begin
Before you get started, be sure to note the following:
As a whole, the beta is not guaranteed to be stable.
Features or functionality in the beta may not be available upon initial release.
The pre-release beta involves a few extra steps to get things up and running. Be sure to install the beta versions of both clients to ensure everything works as intended.
Pre-release only: A beta key is required to add Zephyr to your library. Redeem it like any other Steam code.
Once you've added Zephyr to your Steam library, opt into the beta:
Right click on Zephyr
Select Properties
Select Betas
Select "beta - Early access to releases" from the dropdown
Once opted-in, the latest beta version will be downloaded when installing Zephyr. Updates will be delivered automatically via Steam.
Zephyr is distributed via AppCenter for the pre-release beta. Installing the beta is simple:
Go here on your Android device
Download and install the latest APK
Zephyr will automatically open your browser and setup auto updates on first launch
Once installed, Zephyr will prompt you to update as new beta releases are published.
Your feedback and bug reports will help ensure Zephyr's launch goes as smoothly as possible.
Regardless of platform, please submit feedback and bug reports on GitHub.
Last updated